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Kusuri Dechlorinator 250ml

Rs. 4,400.00

Kusuri Dechlorinator works almost instantly, removing Chlorine, Chloramines and heavy metals from mains public water sources.

Kusuri Dechlorinator will remove Chlorine and heavy metals from mains public water sources. Chlorine burns gills and is very detrimental to good bacteria. Use Kusuri dechlorinator to remove Chlorine & Chloramines on any water changes or new systems.

Kusuri Dechlorinator removes Chlorine, Chloramines, heavy metals, such as Zinc and Lead from mains tap water. Kusuri Dechlorinator removes these unwanted potentially toxic substances.

Kusuri Dechlorinator removes Chlorine, Chloramines, heavy metals, such as Zinc and Lead from mains tap water. Kusuri Dechlorinator removes these unwanted potentially toxic substances. Kusuri Dechlorinator can also be used when moving fish in transportation bags or isolation tanks whether in tap water or not.

Kusuri Dechlorinator Directions

Measure correct dose for the volume of new tap water being added to the system. Add in the same way to transportation bags or isolation tanks when moving fish.

Kusuri Dechlorinator Dosage

Use 10ml per 100 gallons of new water, can also be used at any temperature.

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Weight 0.3 kg


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